Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)

F8 Tuesday. May 12. 1998 Classifieds Call 445-4000 Austin American-Statesman' Items 6l45-Comirrcil 61 62 Concrete Culvert pipe. 15" 4tt, 23 MAC PERFORMA 550. monitor.

Microsoft Office '97 Pra Unopened. DtNiNG TABLE, seats 6. sottd WINCHESTER Model 1300 12oa shot Sow Wood Executive Desk. 5' k3' WHIRLPOOL 34cuft sMe-by-slde letncKHOtor. Almond cotor.

(1M. BALLY TRPLE BELL SLOT MACHINE Original late 1930 s. $2400. Cc 286-6048 Natural .70 Marquis Rubv with 70 Diamonds, $800. .75 Vintage Platinum.

1920 1950's, $900 442-7913- UEK 1218 Plate Maker. $900. pieces i i to hvc ppe spm-Ider heads attached. 5500ft Lum ber rock. Ford pick up.

10ft U-sgn 61 1 0-Chiitf rw'stnfanfs Port-o-Cnb While, new. NEW PLASCAPE deludes fort. swing set, slide roof. Free set-up. 3 speed swing $50 Happy Cabana playpen $50.

Exersaucer Jumper swing, safety gate, car seat, infant boys comes. $10 8: less. Graco Entertainer, Exersouser, uttle iwes items, bedding carseor. stroll-er. more.

280-6582 Solid Cak Crib Set whanging bookshelf, attached baby charing table, converts to Queen Box Springs, 6 months old. 5u. looater oea with moTTress aj. uttle Tikes kitchen. 520.

2584)951 TRAMPOLINE S120 OBO wfn warranty 310-1753 DOUBLE BABY JOGGER S350 No calls before 9am 331-4908 SPECIALTY TODDLER BEDS for sale. Barn, house, wagon, tog cabin. Other Items available. 2640983 Like new 50 children's videos S3 ud. 100 books $1 up.

white cabinet dresser $50. modern white metal headboard full S55. Call 282-2494 NELSON WHITE Cnb wSeoty Mat tress 5120: honey OAK Rocking Char $100 Both like new 388-3701 PROFESSIONAL FACE PAINTINO ttrthday PartlM ft AN OccoUoml con srteiry, 4423153 6120-Cameras Photo Supplies DIGITAL CAMERA Foctory New Seated Carton Kodak DC25 Color LCD Vlewfinder. Auto Flash; Self Timer; 1429 HighStand Rez moras srs. no-noo.

Casnsa Cameras (1) EOS 650 70-21035 Cannon zoom tenses, auto focus. Can non dedicated flash. S575 (1) F-l Soorfsfinaer. 50mm 1.4 tens. 545.

Call 21 2460. MANUAL FOCUS lenses, fit all cam eras: wide angle $45; 200m $65. 46-BV5 HASSELBLAD 501 Svstem. Bnssler Eniarger. Dork Room Accessories.

Call for Ufa 836-5597 AGFA AmCn-Siiette vintage 1960, wlenses. filters, flash attachment. S200, 836-7828 KONICA FS1 w5 tenses flash, all like new, S395 (originally $1500) 891-9977 THE CAMERA EXCHANGE Buv Sell Trade Top Toll Free 1-888-320-6799 ENLARGER, Beseier 45M, Aristo V54 ccJdiighf heoa. Zone VI stabilizer. VC filters, negative carriers, lens boards, documentation Exc for variable contrast 81 Over $1800 new Onlv $800 Call 339-0621 ei30-ChlnaCrystatf Flatware 140 YEAR OLD Heavy cut crystol stemware Swiss.

32 pieces $1500. 327-8535 HANDMADE 1940 tobte linens. Cut work table ctoth wnapkins. 106 68. S95.

Smaller floral sizes. IV3U 5 uuilt. doubletwin. $25 Bed spread whand embroidery, doublequeen. $45 255-2668 6135-Clething Suit IS Drn, size 7, whit v.7baby blue trimming.

$1 SO. Call 32O0720 Item War Relics CASH PAID for German, US. Japanese war souvenirs. Save this ad. Ask for Robert 441-1877.

1977 McCormick Elvis Decanter. All original i Bottle never opened. Mint corn Rare find. 5900. OBO.

447-1590. Beautiful, goid framed pantrg jsc ao ot gjrrmena or pomier, both members of the Foties Ber- ge're. Pore Prance, signed Annette 1 wre or Motor general Commander of Fort Bhss. TX. 1970s.

Beoutitut. greea iridescent fluted bowl, bronze base, circa 1920. pos- SOy IffTony. 5JUU ObU d6-V7V3 Collection of Avon bottles approx 30. Quilts.

Texaco metal truck. 33 A Lp records. Postcards. 443-9784 HOT WHEELS over 1.600 cars. 80 out of oka $3,500.

303-3865 after 6pm Consid- er trade Tot Rckup or Oid Honey. Frankitn Mtnt 2oz moot Sterling Silver CoHectton of the ail Naval Bat-ttesnips 50 pes in a hard wooden case $1000. OBO. Serious Inquires omy ny appr onry vaj-uxjo Dallas Cowboy programs. Aero candv machine.

Spencer microscope, wooden ce- dox. reet to reei tape. CHILMARK PEWTER rtlr. Mover ictt Carf $1200 Ctrciing the Enemy $325 L9nds Mlxd irwdlo m- nrva, rxjie sozo nw rofwsi rom rtlrd, good seiecrson. Lo ff.

Smtth III mtlrvd Tls a Witchtng Time CWO-4DO0 TV BEANIES RETIRE DS. Currents. New releases, 972-672-6293 or fax 972-980-0697 OVER 70 Whiskev Water Pitchers. $2,000 serious collectors only. Deal ers welcome.

ooo-tsta BEANIE TRADING CARDS 1st Edition, set A $9.95 $1.50 Hper set, 834-8985 IEANES Rettreds. Royal Blue Peanut. Sting. Trio. Garcia and many more.

Storting at $12 Coll 835-8989 TOY SALE PeeWee MIB. Star Wars. Johnnv 1. Uncle. Spawn, carded action ures, bl otojryKes, jonn q-apgy, COLLECTOR BUYING ALL OLD TOYS.

Hotwheels, Matchbox. Gl Joe, Star Wars. Any oid toy. Lorry, 331-0653 5.000 Baseball star Cards $950. OBO.

Stewe Ray Vaughan Signed guitar 8i stage used tamborine Autographed aiDum covers RotHng Stones, John Lennon. Dylan. Springsteen, Petty, Streisond. Joe Montana KC Chiefs Jersey signed by Montana. Fave, Aikmon.

Marino, Moon. Kelly. 990-3141 BEANII BABIES Current, Rtirdt. Buy A S0. 47S-9999 Coin Collection, mostiv older type wsome silver below spot.

Coll 371-9185 after 8pm Ty Beanies, Britannia, $500. Cai 255-9945 FIESTA! Plates, nappies, etc. Collector Items. Must sell, make offer 261-6794 ICANIE IAIY SHOW ft SAU Retired, current, much more. Sat Mov 16th.

9-5. Sun. May 17th. 10-4. Located at La Quinta hotel.

Round Rock. IH35 exit 254. For info call. 512-338-9720 or 512-21M427 '31 ANTIQUE BARBER'S CHAIRS. 1920's, 30 40 s.

All functional. Mitch: 264-3091. 923-9103 I BUY BEANIE 9144821 6145-Commerclal EquipSupplies EVERYTHING GOESI SHIPPING EQUIPMENT Scales, radial arm saw. supplies, computers, test equipment, parts, furniture. Man-Sat.

8-5. ACT computer Technology Bidg, 3317 Manor Rd. CARPET CLE ANING MACHINE Hydra Master Cross-fire 4.4. with attachments. 3 wands, auct cleaning kit.

inline filter, upholstery tool, hoses wreels. SI l. 350 OBO. Pager 210-266-0578 Glass Count. Display ft Jewelry eost clOMOUt.

Various krtghts. Slug ft up. 339.1133 Movina. Need to Sell Quicklv. Bought 7 vending machines for S6000 Sell for S35O0.

Candy included. Gredt Income! 388-3359 BlMT 20meg RAM. CD. soflwoie. Ike new.

58V6 24V-M46 IBM 386. VGA COLOR MONITOR, wrrh printer. $300. firm. GREAT DEAL! MicnoeL V26-V686.

IBM PS1 366, COLOR MONITOR. Keyboard, mouse modem, 52UU. 246-1666 20" COLOR MONITOR 22 pitch, ste rn box. 90 day warr S600 4MB video card $50 892-0892 Pll 233 MHZ; 64MB RAM; Diamond Viper, 2 Monster 3D II 32 CD ROM; 15" Monitor; Sound blaster 64; 66H Modem: 6.4 OtO HD; Win 96; $1600. 331-7409.

Eedv Essissss 2 person iriemberthip for $63mo. CARDIO GUDE. very gently used. $90 CoJI 346-1557 leave messo? THE BEST Nordic Track Ski Exerciser for onfy $450 Wk 214-1487 nmfvju- ijw, ask tot Mike. COMPUTERIZED CARDlO PRO Pro Form Heifhrider.

like new. $125. Call 256-1526. Multi-station weight set. includes Dencn squat.

uurnDoess. tfJUDs. New. W0. eiM-MSU.

SCHWIN AIRDVNE BIKE Excellent condition, $350. 474-9968. 478-7447 Exec, office desk. $100, Cardio-giide, $125. And Huffy Magna 10 spa owes, aeo.

vju-uou. Ncrdictrack Xcel Stoer. Perfect confflon! $150. 327-4475 HEAVY DOTY LAT MACHINE Rate load type $275. 282-1870 REVOLUTION CYCLE 947 Stationary bike.

new. assembled, warr, woeo. extra get teet, 53JU. 916-9463. NEW KITCHENAID White classic mixer, $220.

919463 300 Km of wlghti, bonch ft ban. Mak off or. 246-9007 ask for Bob. VECTRA 1250 home gym, high quality, $1800. Hearth Rtder, new $500.

asuing saju yju-aov HEAVY DUTY WEIGHTS SET CAGE With squat rack, bench press, kit pun aown. aip. rows, preacner cun, S0UU SMITH MACHINE $250. UNIVERSAL GYM 5150. WEIGHTS.

BARS, tIC. $50. 799 3318 Lv message. OLYMPIC WEIGHT SET up to 320pnds. Bollinger Weight bench wleg developer.

Dumbell free weights, up to 40pnds. 2yrs old- Paid Wxj. aswng iJUU uau. HEALTHRiDFR Used only to lose 15lbs. Now Its your rum.

wviaeo. oj-ueti. HEALTH RIDER with videos electron ic meter. 5150 OBO. Central Austin: 459-0603 HEALTHRIDER TYPE exercise ma chine.

Uke new. barely used. Digital aispiay. sou umj. oiooo.

Nordic track Pro Plus ski machine. Heart monitor, odometer, speed- omeTer, nmer, caiones rjurnea inai- cators. front incline Mkjstment. $400. Cash only.

443-1951 leave message Rowing Machine, Electronic con trols. caicxiB merer, satij i jry. i-kbt- cise bike. $20; Desk. $25.

443-9672. 5yrs UNLIMITED TANNING TanCo. sauu odo wyec Ross Hm 443-5530; Wk 491-611 MEMBERSHIP FOR 2 26 months $800. Transfer fee paid. ISO- jVQ WEIDER BENCH PRESS and 15abs.

of weights. Excellent condition, 595. Nordic Pro Skier excellent condffion, $200, 416-8975 6180-Food Products U-Rck Blackberries. Co aheod S12-JJ6-7156 Rockdale 6200-FueiFifewood DISEAS FREE OAK FIREWOOD. A cord S55.

Cedar mulch 8c cedat postl 280-5567 Save Dollars! Carpet Clearancel Repairs, mtiaiiatton cleaning. Coll Oorttolee Carpel 385-6888 KARASTAN CARPET Loco! distributor selling 6.000 sq. yds. of KarostonMotiawk first audiirv dis continued corpefs. Sealing at 70 on tairecr to puDucj.

Ail warrannes. Commercial closeouts also avaH-oble from S4.99 per sq yd 794-9600. OUARTZI7E 16x16 Tiles. Syer, S7 50ft. Amber gold.

S4ft. 3a6-8J6eHome 79a-54207worl. PAKISTAN oriental rua. 10x14 Pench swirl design Paid $12,000. Looking ror Desr oner aB-tWJ 6230-fufnrtur Eeds-EedS'Eeds Daybed wmattress.

$12995. Bunk bed wmatTresses. 5ii6V.v&. Hack laquer futon frame w8" luxury futon, $199 95 The factory outlet store for Simmons, Sealy, Serta. We cany close-outs, discontinued covers 4 factory 2nds.

50-70 off retdB store prices. new compieTe wrm warranry. Twin set, $69. FuH set, $89 Queen set. $1 r9, King set, $149 7530 Burnet Rd.

454-3422 NEW PIILOWTOP KING mattress set wmetol frame (worth $900) $440. Incl. 15yr warranty, delivery. Also queen (worth $800) $365. 280-9338.

AUSTIN MATTRESS WAREHOUSE Name brand new mattress sets, factory seconds, floor models, blemished sets mismatches, 66)3 N. Lamar 323-0222 NEW QUEEN feddlng ttfram, list 1459.95. now 188. FlrmauHI- d. Other slzvt on sal.

Lamar Anttquw, 20Sfi S. Lomor 44o-31 ORTHOPEDIC, queen, innersog. set. siw pyu oouuj ozvd, mci. frame, 15yr wmfy, delivery.

Also king (worth $700) $337 (H) 280-9336 QUEtN INNERSPRiNG Mattress Set. New, firm, quilted. I0y warranty. (Retail $450) Selling $185. 280-9338.

SPRING FEVER! TWIN SET wFRAME $89 95 FULL SET wFRAME 599.95 QUEEN SET wFRAME $139 95 SOFA $179.95 DINETTE $99.96 CENTEX FURNITURE WHOLESALE 6618 N. Lamar (north) 450-0988 2001 S. Lamar (south) 445-5808 401 S. LBJ, San Marcos 392 2755 Queen Size solid oak. platform bed wfuton mattress.

Uke newl $350. toddler bed. S45 894-4080 MUST SELL HOW 7ft sotosloopor, mutt so to op-Droctoto. vorv comforlabto. nou- tral colors.

Firm $5S0. 331-6094 NEW PRE-OWNED FURNITURE HOME OFFICE HOMELESS FURNITURE 331-4455 600 S. Bell(Hwy 183) Cedar Pork Contemporary Stone bleached wood wdll unit w2 columns mirrors, like new, S1500OBO. 342-2990 K0 LEATHER Bock leather sofa. Paid $1000.

win sell for $395. 459 6299 Sleeper Sofa excellent $125OBO, 454-7295 DRAMATIC tEVEUO OiASS TAILS wtfh glass base 40 72 Cat! 469-5643 MOVING- must selli Beautiful sofo steeper, mostty navy wcream marroon $400 CBO. Kim. 346-1572 DESK. ROLL TOP.

Locking file drawers, cherry finish. Hke new, $425. 416-7616 WATERBED Block lacquer, queen-size. $75. 707-0566 Moving, Must sell! 2 full size white sofa's, $900 or $500ea.

Kitchen table, 4 chairs, buffet whutch, butcher block top hunter green legs, $700. 464-1876. Bauhaus Sofa. lvr old. hke new, creme with rotted arm throw piUow Just cleaned $475 440-1 124.

KiNG sze WATERBED. Smmons Beauty Rest-98 wavetess. CHAISE 4 couch with bed. with -een whrte stripes. 5800.

57-7023. OAK DAYBED, 3mos oicL $375 OBO. 427-5557. NEW SOFA, plaid, must sen. $275.

Moving Enfield Rd. 458-5100. MOVNG SALE: Everything aoesl Liv ing, dining, queen bed, washer dryer, ail new. First $1200 892-2652. MOVING SALE! 7 Pc Kina Bdrm Set $450.

Uvtng Room Set $300; Futon $400, (2) Bar Stools $10a $300 912 9928 cherrvwooa. 4 chews, noon stuff $i50foraB (52)926-7073 8am-8pm uke new bme wrvte couch. $400. Large ornce aeac wu. 795-2377.

5 PtECE DINETTE. S50. f4) 45' stools. $25 each; (2) 24 bar stoon 56. cloth couch.

$40. smol comput er Toote. ju; wv-uuv ContemDorarv Now BKje Couch In excellent condmon. Patd $1000. Wl set for 5300 282-5676.

Exec, office desk. S100. Caroto gkae, $125. And Huffy Magna 10 spa pwes. sea.

vju-uou Double FUTON on woorten frame. $150 OBO. Ptne Birch DINING TABLE. $300 OBO. WORK BENCH OFF WHfTE SOFA S225 White child' desk.

$35. Matching large desk and creaenza szD. Lai. Jdd-ivav. MOVINOf! CoflM Cofto toblM.

hand- chats toung arm chair, foooh QUEEN BED NEW. UKE NEW. $1000 6AL.W(-ICt 335U. OIHtH fUHNnUHt 3AJ 55U 48-6916 Traainonai Cherry wood TVVCR Great buy' at S200 OBO. 873-866T Cream colored couch, chair A of- toman, exc cond.

Lightweight KiNG BR SET. Block lacquer headboard, pier units and ilght bndge, dresser, armoke. Immacu- DRISKIU HOTEL FURNITURE TV stands. TV'i end tables, night stands, pictures, elaborate doors. Bar ft much more.

1406 W. North LOOp 459-4488 FORMAL DINING Room set with 10 chars. Buffet hutch wdoubie gloss doors, $1500 10 service pc set or i-ranKoma Ponery dtnnerware. collector pes, $600. Rod top desk.

3iuu. aio-uoau BEDROOM SET wQueensize bed. $300. Contact Marcus at 990-2818. HOSPITAL TYPE BED fCraftmaticY 1 yr old.

was $2379, take $1700 OBO 1 WALKER, new. $75. Call 331-1458 Black sectional steeper sofa wpHlows. modem style, excellent conation, wetaii: 53000 Asking: 30UU UDU. lOII CHINESE WOOL Flat woven nta it pinks, pate green $275, viewing Fri o-u.

Aiufl onaie ram, 4bj-iviv ALL LEATHER- ivorv snfn S405 Ten! enow jisxi. aieew imes, Annque sora grear new Tapestry, 45tf-vw. ANTIQUE CONF or dinina room ta ble w6 wood fabric chairs sorta art deco. $775. Co QMET Archi tects AJ-751 1 FORMAL DINING high back oak chairstable china cabinet, de-humtdrffer-paid $225; Kenmore wasneraryer; ig.

con rotitop aesk Mouttful Natural wood fob! (5'xJ') 6 choirs, r6 partlcal Doara or vmtw, hv, z-ezz3. GLASS TABLE GREAT DAt. $80 567-3664. CASH FOR YOUR UPSCALE FURNITURE. 451-0388 SOfA LOVESEAT NovyrWiter wine poa faia zaju.

bet for WJ6U. vo-utx Detore opm ETHAN ALLEN 2 matching swivel choirs. S75ea. Cod: 280-3H04. CUSTOM MADE bookshelves aesk.

izrt. 3ft. wue sections. 53UU BJd-UUV. Phlllinine Wicker 8ft Couch Chair.

glass top coffee end taoles. Rare quoiiry set Sd3U. asj-oji) Must Sell! Nubuck Leather 84" Sofa 6 mo old. camel color, paid $2500. wHI sell for iiflou.

iwrtoH white G.t. refrigerator, 18' wide 34' toJI 24' been S75. Block drafting table $50. Moving must sen as soon as possible. Col 331-8956 grve us your best offer.

MOVING SALE. Kina brass bed. bunkbeds. wicker set. table and chars, sora plus more.

343-7161 BARN FULL of Furniture, local oock rat quits, theropyeff active, selling Oak entertainment exc. cond, 54X46X20in. Hold 27ln. TV. Ethan Allan Style, soid wood Sota Chair, new cushions, Southwestern style covers, wuu tor set, All In Excellent condition.

238-1430 SOLID WOOD BOOKCASE HEAD BOARD, FOOTBOARD 8l SIDE RAILS, UUUBLt SIZt. 5IUU. ZOJ-Wd. 6 foot Beige Sofa Like new! SOfA $150. Love seat.

SiOO. Floor lamp. is. ah excellent conation. Call 331-9366 MUST SELL.

CHINA CABINET Walnut wl dark brown stain. S22S. 443-7547. Must sea SLEEPER SOFA. Hunter navy piaia call Kyan, QUEEN SIZE BED $100.

IKE NEW. 476-6659 Kingsize Serta Perfect Sleeper mat- rress. ooxspnngs. rrame. txc.

cona. Delivery avaJJ. Make offer 419-7423. 3YRS. NEW forest green sofa with matching rocking recllner.

Both peces S500 OBO 250-2181 RECLINING LOVESEAT -People-Lounafx" BlueCrev Pirstrine Vorv yriiioricjute 300. OO-OO'V SOFA large troditional 3 cushton. cream. Like new. $185.

Coffee fa Die wgiass top. $45; Rodlo control olrplone 282-3062. Teak liahted hutch. S600. Kino four poster pne bed.

$200. Sony Hi-8 comcoroer, sduu ousn enr. center, 550. All OBO. 288-9033.

SOUTHWEST STYLE Furniture. All nearly new. Home entertainment center. 7ft 3ft, $480 Sofa, loveseat. $280.

Light oak dining table with 4 director chairs. $180. Triple dresser with 2 matching nightstands, $220. 21" Zenith coTor TV with AMFM stereo music with remote. $160.

18" Emerson with remote. $160. 389-0955 WHITE WICKER3 drawer chest of drawers, full headboard, nightstand ond choir, $160. 389 0955 SOLID OAK Triple Oresser And matching nightstand. $220 389-0955 SOLID OAK TRIPLE dresser Ana king headboard.

$220. High quality. 389-0955 3 PIECE BEDROOM SET, $125; soft blue couch. $75; desk $15; 27" TV, $25; recllner, $15. 244-9099 Queen Box Springs.

6 months old, $70, Toddler bed with mattress. $40. LIT Tykes kitchen, S20. 258-0951 Cream color couch 8i choir with block lacquer coffee table end tables. $400 ot.

Black lacquer green Marble 5pc. bedroom suite, S50Oflrm. Call 33MI329 King See Serta Box Springs Mattress. Like New $180. Microwave Table.

S40. 389-0955 FULL SIZE FUION BED FRAME. 55- 452-2848 oner com. 5-piece Bassett bedroom set. King size bed.

Mattresses Incluaea $1100. Cat James. 238-1613. Antique sewing machine. $100.

2-Drawer wood nie cabinet, $50. Tal-bot whale pictures. $20. 288-7318 SILK HANDWOVEN Carpetsilk foundation. Central tear-droo medal lion, teal nutmeg apricot.

Midnight blue background. Mid 20fh Century Kashan. $2500. OBO. 328-9280 QUEEN SIZE waterbed.

drk. wood wglassmirrored headboard. Uke new. S200. 282-0489, fREI FUTON wpurchase of Queen Mattress set wtfh frame.

Moving -must sel S200OBO 323-6478. DUNCAN PHYFE mohogany table server. $400. Tubular steel twm bed bunk beds. S200.

And other mrsc. 328-3808 FORMAL SOLID OAK Dining set w6" chairs. $485, Breakfast table, cherrywood. 4 chrs. $225.

836-7961 COUCH LOVE SEAT. Recllner Coffee Table $150. Call 389-2638. Great for college students! MOVING SALE. Queen Bed $400, Dining Table $300.

bookshelf, vacuum ond other small Items. Please come by. 328-0387. COUCH AND LOVESEAT SET. Uke new.

beige mauve. $300. CaT ZrKWJOU. 30" by 60" Oak desk. $150.

Lazy Boy Southwest sofa $450. Can 312-0932 MOVING SALE Henredon dfeTtng table fli choirs, end table, sofo Table ft ho toote. Antique wordrobe, couch, brass table, side chews, lots of misc furniture AH excellent cond. 288-97ia otter 5pm or weekends anytime King Size waterbed. waveless mattress, heater, 6-drawer pedestal, brass trim.

$200. 327-9585 Dinina Tables. Formal oak. 6 chrs. leaf.

$475 Dk pine, 4 chrs, leaf. Si 10. Upright freezer, $150. Lg blue couch chair, $175. Lg dresser mirror hutch hbrd.

SIS). 989-9993. Living room couch ft cho. glass cotfe table ft end table. SAS0ai.

Contact Marcus or Vivian 990-2818 unreasterea tm cu version, iv.w. I-8I-46I-241. DEu466, Mutti-media 32850. NEC i momTor. color jet printer.

NEC LODtoo. P150mmx 2 la HD. lOxCD. 16m RAM. 336 mod.

bult spegkersmic. SI 600 444-3422 NEW NOTEtOOK 233MMX. 13.3" Disolav. 3aio HD. 32meg, 24XCD, 66k modem.

Win. aiyoey DELL 200MMX 32m RAM 2.1ala HD. CD ROM. 33 6 modem. 2m video.

Ethernet. S525 512 29f3303 Budd PENTIUM 200 MMX. 16M. 1 2G. CD- Rom.

SVGA mon. sound, keyi mouse. Wtn '95, S575 neg 480-8751 MS OFFICE PRO '97 SR-1. Si 19. VsaMC.

Walcon Computer Co. Toll-free 888-336758 THE WIFE I ARE SELUNG OUR COMPUTERS. PFNT UM 2 266 ft 333 BOTH HAVE 64 RAM. 64HD. 56K MODEM.

24X CD ROM, 3 5 DRIVE. 6 fflT SND. 4 MFG VDEO. MONITER, MORE. $1299 ft $1599, OBO MUST SELL 479-9214.

K616S. 16MEG. I 2G. CD ROM. SVGA monitor, sound, keyboard mouse.

Win 95 525 neg 441 2459 Pentium Lasts? 800meg HD. 24meg RAM. loaded wirn sonware, ianon pnnier oag airjuu neg 23U-I2U. qrj-vu ap FREE INTERNET ACCESS. After 1 time payment of $107.

Can 888-600-8357 K6 233MMX 64 MB Ram. 4.3 UDMA HD. 24X CD. sound ccird. 33 6 mo dem.

SVGA. SpeakersKBMouse. winvM3 umce vw-jooo PENTIUM 100. S460. 586133.

$425. Complete systems. SVGA mon. win V6 442-668. TOSHIBA 660 CDT laptop.

P150. 1.4G drive. BU Mb NAM. IUX L-U HUM. 28 8 52000 firm.

360-4435. 20" MONITOR, $800. 17" monitor. $400. Both 1 year old.

Call Hm. 832-8992 or Wk. 728-9897 COMPAQ desktop 2000. 200mhl 32 KAM. 2 5hd, tM.

CD. 16 momtOT, S895OBO. 246-8792. NEW P203 MMX Tower. 2gig HD.

32 Rom, CD, sound, SVGA Mon, 1 yr warr, Win95. Oft 97 725 312-1041. P120 ATX. 700HD, ATI video, monitor keyboard Si mouse, soundcara 50U. Call 923-2600 MAC POWERBOOK 145-B with portable Stylewnter.

$400. 707-9140. MAC Powerbook 1400 CS. Power PC 133 36 6 Modem. 4x CD ROM.

3'A Drive, fcxtro battery, case. Sl.iUU MUST sen V6-3868 BAR CODE EASYWAND. Quanty 5. $199 eo. We win beat any retal price S8C-23-U5UU NEW SYSTEMS, Internet ready, Pentium 200mmx.

32mea RAM. 2.5gb HD, CDSound, 56K me atm, vwl nrnaowsve. eeye. esiriyi. Power MacPower Wave 604e180 128 Mo 1 tlrjl6X CDIWin lurbO 2BMB Graohics.

245: Power Moc 710066 24 MB1 GB. $645 990-5470 Macintosh Power PC 710080 15' Multiscan monitor. 2400 color Jet printer, includes MS Office 601 Norton Ufifrties. Quickens Deluxe 7. MAC OS 8.

accessories, desk. S900. Cash only 443-1951 leave msg Computer 486 SX. 25MH. 120 MB HD modem; $400.

830-672-9124 PENTIUM 200. 32 SO RAM. 4.3 Gla HD. 66.6 modem. 24x CD kit.

14" super VGA, Wln95, $675. Up- graaes avaitaoie, tn-msi. IBM-166 Pentium. 2.1 GB. 16 Mec CD.

28.8 Modem. Speakers. Sofl wore, no monitor, $395. 251-1608 Power MAC 6500275, Creative Stu dio. 33.6 Int FAX modem.

PoperPort sconner. ext ZIP dr. S2300. 452-2628 TOP SSS PAIDI We buy CPU's, SIMMS, and excess inventory loll 23I-I6H. 486.

CD ROM. 14.4modem. monitor keyboard, mouse. 5425. Call 445-5309 LAPTOPS! 486.

$450. P75. $650 P90. $750. P100, $950.

P150, $1250. 799-3133 OKIDATA 4E Printer. $70. 93f0321 6063-Baats- Persona! Watereratt 89 Kowasaki Jet Ski. New paint, motor ft upholstery accessories.

$1,000. 331-0713 BIC Windsurfer, $500 OBO. Call 282-3404 KAWASAKI 1989 650 XS with trailer, low good condition SI. 500. 512-321-1063 KAWASAKI 650 SX Jet Ski '68 double wide trailer extras, exc.

cond. low $1350080. 323-2927 KAWASAKI '91 550 JET SKI Very iow hours. $1750. 919-3126 for Alex KAWASAKI '95.

9O0ZXI. 2 seater, with Magnum trailer, $4000. 260-1881 KAWASAKI JET SKI 750SX. stonO-up model, '93, used less than 5 times since '94. perfect cond.

Just tuned. new battery. $2200 OBO 327-7179. Polaris '97 SL780. 95 HP.

2 person, under 20 hrs. Trlr wwinch, AH access incl. $5800 OBO. 392-2469 POLARIS '96 SL 780. 2 seater.

Mog-num trailer, exc cond, low hrs. $4750 288-1875 POLARIS '96 SLT 780 Jet Skis' (Two), 3 Seaters Low hours. Uke New! Nice trailer $9500 409-836-0914 POLARIS SL700's. 1996. excellent condition.

S3650ea. Both for $7000. Trailers available. 266-3842. Sea Doo SPX '95.

650CC. Garaged, low hours, 2 PFD's. ski rope. Knee boord, Mognum Trlr $3900, 261-5943 SEA DOOS. (2) '95 GTX.

life vests. covers. Wil satisfy new buyer. $8000 hm 327-8563. wk 343-1330 SEA DOOs '96 SPI ft GTI.

trader, showroom cond. 20hrs. $11,500 327-9292. SEADOO '95 Speedster: Twin 80HP. Excellent condition Low hours Car-pet Stereo.

Trailer. $7299. 345-1474 SEADOO OTX 97, with double trailer, like new, low hours. $5995. 512-764-5671.

WELLCRAFT EXCEL 1994. 20ft. cuddy, 4.3 Mercruiser. sedts 6 bed ft potty, dealer maintained. $9999.

Can 280-8093. YAMAHA 1995 Woveroaer 1100 ft '93 VXR PRO 701 with double trater. Excelent condition. Both have many after-market upgrades $7500 OBO. 263-1091.

888-907-9089 pgr. YAMAHA WAVE RUNNERS (par). 93 650. 91500. on double magnum trailer Great shape! $4395.

292-7654. Leave message E-Z PORT, Floating Drive-On Docks, $995. New PWC Trailers $500, Used Rebuilt S250-S400 929-7865 606S-Boats Equipment Accessories WANTED: GOOD Covered boot dock, 1 or 2 boot slips with electric hoist, dual jet ski Itt. David 926-8888 Days. 266-9000 Eves GPS Mageiion GPS 2000 Hcmd Held Rufuro w90 day warrdnty.

Factory sealed carton. $115. 476-4676 MERC. IO MUST! Aerostar 2 speed shifting prop, 1722 pitch. Paid $1000.

asking $550 OBO 339-0667. (www com-bustnessmorine) PROP for EvinruaeJohnson, 13x19. only 4hrs, $75. Attwood SS, 13xl9. for Yamaha 115, $165.

255-9004 BOAT HYDRO-HOIST. 6000 lb. Boat Iff 3 Fiberglass tanks. At Briorciiff Marina S2100 264-3311. Dilly 16 ft drive-on boat Trlr.

rebuilt 3 yrs ago. with boat, needs motor, $200, Call 282-5523 Mognum Trailer. New, '98 blue. 18 ft firs '80-'89 closed bow Ski Nautl-que $1400. Call 658 3879 1979 MERCURY 80HP, electric start, tit ft tnm.

SS prop, runs great. $995. CoJ 349-2339 6hp VINRUDE (Fisherrrxyi) Less than 3 hours on motor $350. rrfi H2i-qr57 re) 2fn lj745 6070-fisat S'ot-ws sisiriras LARGE FLOATING 15 20ft. platform wwalkway.

Needs alot of work. Wil take $600. 33t8047. Large Covered Wet Sip For Sote. $180.

Laxe Marina Call 266-8400. SHARE YOUR DOCK! Sutet couple seeks covered dock on Lake Travis tor pontoon boat, 476-2764 eve. 000 Legal see drawer, great cond, $150 Sharon, dp 833-1099. 832-0094 CHINA cabinet. 80x5617.

white washed, beveled oJass. liahted. rrw- rored bock. poxJ $2600 Socrtfice tju utsu. txc.

cona. i -1 ou CONTE MPOPARY DESK Wrm book shelves and 2 filing cabinets, pox si iuu ASMng dciuu. itsm. 342-9609. Livingden chairs.

2 custom made oversized wood frame chairs Down seat ft back cushions. Asking $800 tor pair ap-pom SOfA. Custom mode champac Asking $600. 478-fr i color. KING SIZE bed with lighted heod- ooara.

une year ota. ijbu. i z-va i q. TWO LOVESEAT COuCHS. areat from smo apartment, $75 each or io ror ser.

ui orange, cover rree wrm coucn rjty 1 1 S3 ANTWUf AMKMRES Ent. Amer. oak toote. beds. night stand, entry table, be ft claw rooT cuno caanerooottsneff, Chows.

520-5995. 832-6806 3 vr old corao classic cottaae bed Queen size wmattress and box springs jUU 5i-9l8-95u8. tod vlvt hlgMxKlwd easy choir, 1)00. Cornputw dMk, $79. van Sohd Pine Bunkbed with bunkie boards.

Very good condition! $230. ov i -uoy or leave message. COUNTRY PINE entertainment cen ter, originally $800. asking $350 OBO. 442-2662.

Couch loveseat. forest areen. Leather Imrtatton. 1 yr. old, $750 OBO COfl 335-296! FULL BED, new mirror back drsr.

saJO. Computer stand. Printer stand. $10. Loveseat, Table $30.

Louren at 443-5530 IAIY BOY RfCUNEB, bo, rocks, wtovte, reclines. (250. DustyftoM wti wmgoocK cncnri jwm. Entwtalnmwit crrh $100. 719-SM1 Directional 5pc.

contemporary sectional Natural background wchar-coal ft purple abstract design, hi great snape. aoou QOf-vu Matching Oak Dresser, dining table w4 chairs, coffee table, sleeper sora. great cond. 540U Jim 322-0388 SOUTH. Heavy Lg 3 pc k.

br bamboorattan wall unit $225 ea white day bed wmattress $225. lg white loveseat $250: 5 pc almond lighted wall urwt wnlnts rkvwt SWl rti end units 515 ea Judy 2B0-7166 2 QUEEN SIZE WATERBEDS $200 EACH. No cafe before 9am. 331-4908 Round Cocktail Toble, smoke lass inlay, maple surround modern UKd WW. iZTJU ujmi uriy.

aj-ivsi leave messages 45" Mitsubishi TV, front projection. mb auaio. vtaeo caote connec tlons. Good reception and conaT Hon. $175.

King size bed. Large mirrored headboard with cabinets. bookshelves and attached night sranos. kjuk. nmsn wrm cane wont.

Mattress ft box springs not included. $350 795-8679 KING BEAUTY REST Mattress ond boxsprings, $160. King headboard and matching triple dresser, solid OOk Hght, 520. 389-0955 SOFA 6 cushton. slim lines, silvery grey wrust accent, very good corv amon, siou; compuTer aesK.

smai. pull-out keyboard shelf ft storage. $60. 15" Mognavox color TV. '96, penecr conuinog aiau.

noi-nfn 6 ft black Sofa $125 Old brass hat rock, $50 Comfortable blue fuscia overs tufted rocking chow with ottoman, $195. Beautiful patterned 5 7 wool rug, siou. aa-avo. UKE NEW. Lara 3 cushion, traditional sofa.

belaeaokJ wlamo table 2 aold choirs. $475. Small dryer, $40. Tiffany ngm nxiure. 33.

i.aii SOUD ASH. Full tlx loft bd. book com twadboord. bidding lncluod, ortglnaUy $1300, now lew. z-4a.

King Waveless Waterbed ft frame wpine heodboard. Beautyrest Ex-piorer Senes mattress $475. 447-6689 7 Foot Camel Back Couch. $125. 218-8672.

RATTAN LOVESEAT W2 chairs end table, 5 isu. 4pc drotte set, SI25 2 runxy pea oases. Siueo. jz-55. Double Bed ft frame.

Simmons Beautyrest, lBrnos old. Clean. $150. loii Dv-jvoo Teal Southwestern style sofa. years old, good condttion.

Paid SUU. bell 5 IUU. 28U-422 1940's Solid Cherrv Bedroom set. .3,000. Solid Maple Breakfast set i30U.

txc. condition. 930032) Hiah Qualltv Leather Couch. tove sear, i recimers. aeam coior, Complefe set.

$2500. 292-1333 3PC French Provencial LR suit: couch (83" long), 2 matching chairs Gold with green leaves, yef tow nowers. o-xiu -juo rv msg. MOVING SALE. (2) Bedroom sets.

dining room Irving room, qppB-onces. Coll for prices. 918-9517. SOLID WOOD bunk beds, $100. Black metal bunk bed top, futon QUEEN-SIZE Futon mattress, $60 OBO Den-Mart euro-style oval coffee table, $30 OBO.

323-9298 seat, matching i'4 chairottoman, drk am over szd. Must see! $1200. Dining toote. $75. 833-8602.

with Dual Re-, P'X liner, durable earth- tfmm tone fabric. Derfect corxynon. I yr old, $325. 3BK-464 (2) Pcnmvtvonlo Houm book catntrtal'mntcntrt. um oak.

I2M och. (2) nwnv oivhw wwtn Ann wingoacn chain In bu, $250 Mich. Kara tan oriental rug, dork blu, 9'xlJ', $250. All In vory good condition. 34MM4.

Must Sell! Hunter areen leather couch with matching love seat, soouDorn tw-yovo. Pennsylvania hutch from Back Home. Honey finish, waxed. $295. 312-1123 or 921-0544.

BEDROOM SUITE: traditional dark wood, chest or drawers, targe dresser wmirror, queen size frame. Exc. cond. $700. OBO.

261-8424 6 NEW Formal Dining Choirs. 4 side, 2 arm. retail $2400. set for $1,200, 301-0836 or 797-3555 ANTIQUE BRASS BED, $500 OBO. 2 Chinese pots.

$150. Etogere (Bet-gulm glass ft brass) $2000. Palnttnas. ontiaue tables, and more. 476-7546.

j5330-Garden $LppM TX Tumbleweed Composter: Rolla-ble composter. makes compost ev-ery 17-30 days. $100. 512-396-4041. CRAFTSMAN RIDING MOWER $450 28M348 MOVING.

Must sat ASAP Snapper I0HP riding mower, needs minor repair, runs great. $1203 OBO. 303-0219. McLane front throw reei mower Brioos Stratton enoine. Excelent conditton.

$200. 636-3209. BRAND NtW, 60- Cut, Walk Mhind Lawnnwww. Aiklna U850. 916-3200, pleow lv rmfl.

20in Lawn Mower, $50. 5Hp Roto Tiller, $125. 247-7069 TROY-BILT no- mower. 15HP Briggs Stratton, hydro-stat transmissioa new: $3500. sell: $2000.

512-4H6-0343. after 7pm. LAWN MOWER $100 WE6DEATER S25. '8' LADDER $40. 990-0443 SEARS 20" SeH-FTopelied Mulching Mower.

Cast Aiuminum Deck. Good Condition. $90 327-4798 97 X-MARK 48- Platform Mower: Al warranty work Just performed. Only 30hrs use. Uke new.

$1650 OBO. (Georgetown) 512-869-5617. SNAPPER RIDING Mower. horsepower, $450. 263-5056 CHIPPERSHREDDER.

Mantis w8hp Honda engine. 3" throat. Excel-lent. Asking $795. 259-3187.

Snapper Rider (HP. cut, good. (I7t OCO. 2S4-3876. GRAVELY L8 Walking Tractor.

With 30' mower, sulky, dump-wagon blade 8c morel SZ250, 255-1184 MULCH. Pickup toad. $20. 259-5393. Lantana Petunias.

SaMa Enatish Iw. $10Trav IB plants per tray 303-022C, lv msg WEEDEATEI? Prollte. New. straight shaft, double string. S60.

Compare at $125 266-8400 Murray Ultra 1 2HP. 30" rear ename mower. Comes with bagger unit, ond romps. 8 months old. 5600 firm.

raid ir.iu iGO-t 'VP GPS MogeHan GPS 2000 Hand Held Rufurb w90 day waronty. Foctory seated carton. 5115. 4764676 3030 Winchester 94. 26 Inch Octagon barrel.

Excellent corvjtion. $500. 512-756-7823, Bertram Tx. gun ir Advantage eamo wrtn exfra-K wowa cytnder. $200.

Cal 6i-V5-5V RemmatGn Model 870 12 Gauge Shotgua Never Fired. 5iruu con VlfJ-l 10 mire saw. New carbide braae. $140 894-6645 Para Ordnance P14 45ACP BuJt by Wilson Combat Robar, 3 mags (2 hi cap), night sights two tone woguaraNKJ tinisn. beaurrrui gun.

perrecr. iouu rjrju tot JVAS AUSTIN CONCEALED HANDGUN TRAINING SCHOOt Officer Mike Nellis. 835-4456 COLT AR-15 A2 HBAR. Pretan. Heavy barrel, model 6600.

Bayonet lug. flash ruder, complete with spare Colt Schorty top end, 51200. oa-rsru. BROWNING CHALLENGER. Bekjum quanty.

22LR PrstoL All Steel oajust- aure sgnrs, ajrju oo-qiu. Colt Pythoa $395 Pre '64 Win mod 70. 270 FWP. S695 Westerner $945. 3C-06 standard S645.

RWS air rme. 5120. Hard cases. $20 ea. 327-2693.

BROWNING 9mm hi-power. Browning BOA-380: Ruger mini-3a 836-7828 BROWNING HI-POWER. Sincte ac tion, auto. .40 S8iW. wcase and 2 magazines.

45u. coh vju-iv2 Coif .45 Auto, officer's model 80 $425. Beretta model 70, .380 auto. 5JUU. Both exc.

cond 312-1041 10mm. Auto. Great shape, 2 clips, $650. 923-2600 WANTED: Charter Arms 44 bull dog. 3" SS; also High-Standard pistoE Dig Pgr: 469-8540 or 791-3008 .383 Weatherfcy Vanguard wWngs bases.

$425. 252-4095 MAUSER 98 Sporteriled Leopold Scope. $450 or trade tor Beretta 92 FS Ken. 512-303-0043512-604-4746 1860 Colt Reissue new In box $365. Ruger Baquero 45cal 4 stainless srag gripsaction job.

Bob Munaen Colt SAA Jon454-4831 AR15 PRE-BAN lower receiver. S225. Can Bo: 795-3252. WINCHESTER .243 w3 9 Redfield 5J5. wmcnesrer 1300.

12 gauge. Wmchoke, $125 303-3429. 1903 Sorfnafietd 30 06. 1894 Win chester 30 caL Star Firestar plus 9mm, earfy Iver Johnson hommer-less 38 Cewber, ond Ruger statnetes i cai wne, 5i-iX)U if6tKW50, Saxet Gen Show SAT MAT 16th, onvtpm SUN. MAY 17th.

301 Highway 290 tost. Austin Tx 1 mil ait of WIS North. (Old lost Products lido) WlRD WEEKEND EVERY MONTH Collector! Wdcomol Ammo Otitis Knives Coins Comoros For Into coll 512-29-22so. Friends cf KRA Banquet 8r Auction. Thurs.

May 6pm. 512-320-7677 for ticket info. Concootod Handgun Uconso loglo Peak snooting Rang CoH tor Info: 267H 400 6420-rtessneiAif CoMitiaa MR FIX-IT buys, sells services window 8t central AC'S. Huge selection newused window units Hiah efficiency uoarades. MCVISA.

TACLB013299C 445-0412 COLO CLfAN BeeondltlorMd Window ACS. All 110V 220V. Ouorontoed. 9Up 36-0457 FOR SALE New AC heating equipment. Putty warranted tow prices you install.

4456630 TACLA9023 Fnedrich Window Unit AC. 5600BTU. Used 1 month. $300. Cal 447-1364 3 Window AC units, 110 volt, $150 each, 282-7955.

2 HEAT PUMPS Motel-styte cooHng and heating. $275each. 389-2950, Pager 860-7858 NITS. 3 window units Call 474-5405. 5000BTU WINDOW UNIT good for 150sqft.

$160. New In great condl-tiog only used 2 summers. 467-0693. (4) GOOD. COLD WINDOW AC UNITS: 1 10V 220V.

S125-S245. 627-3083 (2) WINDOW AC'S 110 volt. $100 eoch 929-0798. WARDS SIGNATURE High Efficiency Window AC Unit, new $479, never used $300. 280-0360 WHIRLPOOL WINDOW AC Used 3 months.

$300. Johnny 268-1599. 208 2228 DP 7200 BTU Window AC. Uke Newl $200, 25.000 BTU Window AC-ap- prox iyr oia icooi barm nm; souu. Cal 259-5580.

SEARS KENMORE Window unit, year old. $250. 453-5101. 6450-HoSWes VIKING 1. 4 Mo.

Old. Many Accessories, Does Great Embroidery. sivvo. rio-uro. lv rvisg.

RC PLANE. Tower 40 Trainer with OS 40 enalne Si Futoba-Skvioort radio. Ready to fly! Lots of extras. $250. L-aii rji-vrov OoM Chrome Plating System Complete with supplies access.

Used for car. bathroom fixtures, etc. $300 Firm. 833-1656 CLOSING AND MOVING SAU. Cerarmc kilns, molds, paint, sup plies, shelves, rront nanrea counter.

8c bisque 50off. First $950 takes al greenware. May em, earrvpm, May 17th lOam 1806 US 290 E. Brenham, TX. 409 884-0248 VIKiNG sewing machine model 960.

Computerized. Asking $250. Serger Mytock 234-0. asking $400. Both Tor S550 Call 266-9811 Egiiicrrtefrt LARK MOTORIZED SCOOTER, oxv- gen bars, bosket.

2 new batteries. 3 new tires. $1200 445-6127. Electric lift char, recently purchased excellent condition, neutral color. $200.

512-3552444. OUICKIE CHILD'S Pediatric wheelchair. $295. AOutt folding. Hke new $195.

Win deliver. 512-29M119 WHEELCHAIR. Custom mode, contoured seat, back, arm cushions, adjustable footlegs rests, light weight. Uke new. $750.

262-22M HOSPITAL TYPE BED (Craftmatlc). 1 yr old. was $2379. take $1700 OBO. WALKER, new.

$75. Cal 331-1458 Electronic wheelchair, exc cond. Paid $4500. Sel $3000 OBO. 2 bftrys.

speed up to 14 mpti. 899-5393 Hondicao eauio for sale. Wheel chair $125. Walker $25. Portable Potty wstonds S35.

Walker wseot $50. more misc. Call 259-5580. SCOOTER a ELECTRIC UFT. 281-3250 ELECTRIC HOSPITAL bed wsiderads.

All positions plus 4 height adjustable $300 OBO 267 7674 SALE! ROLEX. Carder. kustjnC Jav Stem. 701 Brazos. Austin be Omni, at 7th.

47H449. GETTING MARRIED? Diamonds Far Below Retail. 1-5 cts Graduate Gemclogist 512-236-1317 Professional Diamond Rroker We buy diamonds, arl shapes and sties, test prices potdl 447-0431. 18" STRAND of pearls. S350.

20" heavy 14ct gold mens chesrx S350. Cal 244-2913. ICT PRINCESS CUT DIAMOND with side stones. VS1 color, certified. 54500.

Cal 4IB-85I4. Beautiful, 1.2ct Cdombian emerald, $230 OBO. 231-9452. ROLEX. mens stainless 18K.

Quickset. $2600. 799-7948 or 327-7610. 18 CARAT MENS PRFSIDFNT. Quick set.

Like new. $7500. Call for ap-polntment, 210-771-0549 mobile. ENGAGEMENT RING, 70pt. round, platinum bond wtfh baggers, 13500.

QQ, 13Q-) 4, otter opm Maraulse ring 2.60 CT TW. VS 1 FG. Apprareed over $14,500. asking much less. 236-1317.

12 carat marauis enooaement ring. Si-1. coior, w8 channel set cftomonds. 14k gold. Must sen $2200.

OBO. Chris 9 2801 LADIES RiNG 1 carat emerald cut emerald surrounded by 14 ful cut TJ3 diamonds Appraised at $2600. asking $1500. 837-1400 Rolex. Submariner, 16kt, goldstain less, blue dies, sapphire quick-set.

open papers. $45007254 5262150 ct. Emerald Cut Diamond Rii S3 with 14 ct Baguettes, 56UUU. diamond ring, $500 836-1481. Cosh Buyers: diamonds i ot up, Roles other line watches, estate lewesry, gold.

422-Moe, S404 DIAMOND MARQUIS Wedding ring and mens wedding band. Pa. $1000. Will take $700 OBO. 326-5027.

SEARS KENMORE Window int. 1 year aa a53-5iui. WhtrlDOOt iarne WrWwr A Over. olmond. Iooks great, good worfcmg condmon S250.

892-3360 White Kenmore Washer Drver. excellent corxJIion. Must seti by 3 YEAR OLD Fnadoire. Stde side retngerator. almond 28cuft.

5625. 292-1996. WHITE KENMORE frost tree retnage. 20cutt, Icemaker. glass shelves.

gooaconamon 022-vuod. ROPER WASHERDRYER. 3 yrs old, excellent condition. S300. David 626-5788 WHITE CHEST FREEZER $125.

260-1203 WHIRLPOOL ELECTRIC WASHER DRVER Like new S350 for set 467-9221 WHIRLPOOL SIDE BY iSiDE Refrigerator with icemaker. excellent conaiTion, B63-9344 6030-BicvciesReijair 54 Cm. Quoftro Assi Road Bike. 105 Groupo. Many extras, S500 OBO.

467-2630 'S3 MonUsa Mountain Wee. S100 502-9792 XT 1500 konhorse. 4130 chromolv tubing, very Btfle use. cost over sen tot 5 1 6 e-oiao MONGOOSE '97 MOUNTAIN BIKF Rock Shocks front shocks. 3 months Old.

must SeB! S3U0 385-2595. SCHWINN CAUENTE Men's 10- speea. Diock. exc. S75 OBO.

Women's txke. S20 252 1685 SCHWINN CAUENTE WOMAN'S 10-SPEED: RED. EXCELLENT CONDITION. 550 346-9240 6100-Buildinq fviterieii AU STEEL WILDINGS by Impact Building Sys. 40x75x1 2, S9850.

60x120x16. S18.650 Other sizes avail Cal 1-888-442-4140 CEDAR DECKING 54x6 tncense cedar. 8' thru 16', 59c lf. Viking Fence. 637-6411.

ATTN: Builders. Contractors. Home Owners Solid Brass. Chrome Brass KitchenBath Faucets. Tub Shower Roman Tub Fixtures Solid Brass Baldwin Door Entry Handles Extint Knobs Levers Lifetime Warranty 210-521-8021.

210-414-2744 mobile BARN LUMBER, lot ot gray boards, rustic tan. bead boardT 1x12's. 50ft. 924-3108. 365-7708 Large quantity of Caliche Rock flH available, Westlake area.

328-9293 2x4x8, treated, $1.00. 4x4's $2.00. Cedar Pickets. Mild de-fective fencing material. 388-4008.

ANTIQUE LIMESTONE ROCKS for home building 915-885-2336. SS HD-industrial Wafer Fab Wire rack tables, various sizes. 388-1116. ANTIQUE LonglMf Hn Flooring ft lumtoor. Sprue ft Fir Mams.

Hand-paid, drtod vioat. Klln-drtod msquh kimbvf. Custom wood molding m-jea-7144 Like new. 9ft custom glass slider. 1 2 pane gjoss door, wood door, gas uook i op a venr.

siereo, caotner. speakers, cabinets, doors, pulls, paint, fans, light fixtures, valances, shades, chair. 345-3175. BEAUTIFUL WET BAR. 6ft solid oak, tile top.

Brass fixtures, $300. 389-0955 Extra Rush taupetan carpet thick foam backing, needs no pad. originally $22yd; sell $8yd. 389-0955 (3) FIXED SECURITY WINDOWS. (10) 2' 4' lay in lights.

(4) 2 4 parabolic lights. Shampoo bowel wcnarr Misc doors ana windows New bricks. Misc furniture 267-9310. BARN WOOD Several hundred feet, rustic. 512-703-8577.

Large ptie of used deck lumber. $40. 2 sets of glass tub shower doors, $15set 453-4967. Antique Building Matertols including long leaf pine flooring, shiplap. windows, doors, hardware, much more! Bandera.

TX 830-460-7461 6050-Sosts MotortTed 14fh Annuat Used Boat sate May 16 6 17 Watergate Watettord, So. Shore Clear lake. Free. 261-334-1S11 ALUMACRAFT 12ft. Faherman's Package: 15ft trailer, Minn Kota trolling moTor.

Lowrance fish finder, 2 folding seats, oars, anchors, bat-terles wrechdrger. $925 292-4311 ALUM. 15ft Shallow V-Hull Fishini Boat. 10HP Johnson Gotv Trlr, Boaf load of Extras! $1000. With 15HP Mercury.

$1500. vam-9pm 928-3388 BAJA 232 ISLANDER. 1997. 454 engine. Wholesale $34,000 Asking $29,500.

Catl 817-613-9191 BAJA '91 204 Islander. 4 3L V6 Mer cruiser Open bow. rebuirr lower unit. Perfect cond1 59400 472 3252 BASS, SKI, JON, PONTOON flnon. Trades 929-7865 BAYUNER '66 CAPRI with 125HP Force.

Good condition with ac cessories 6 trailer. $3600. 612-264-1376; or Bayliner, 1993 18ff. Capri w120 hp. Mercury force.

AMFM oil Infection, tilt ft trip, one owner. ONLV 15hrs. $6300 OBO. 912-9692 or 6586818 cell. Bayliner 24'-26' Command Bridge Cruiser.

260 Horse, 350 Corvette engine. Dual controls, kltchea barn, fishfinder, sleeps 4. all new upholstery, carpet and custom txm-int. "Lucky One' can be seen in water at Hurst Harbors. Dock Rll.

Maintained and in excellent condition, includes tdndum trailer. SI OK Firm, 892-53 i 2 BAYUNER '85 Fish Ski. Uve wen removable decks, trolling motor. 70hp Evmrude ft trailer. S2300.

Call Geoff. 728-6460 BAYUNER CAPRI '90. 17' 90hp IO Low hrs. AMFM cass. Bimlni top.

Escort Troiter. $3950. 266-2602 BAYLINER Capri. 1985 21ft, New 270HP, 5.7, 3yr warranty. Escort trailer S8.250 292-1377 BAYLINER CLASSIC 19.5ft Mercruiser 130 IO.

lew hours, AMFM cass. covered, lots extras. Trailer. $6500. 255-1639 BAYLINER '93 Capri 1850.

Mercuiser 4.3 LX. IO, 115 hrs, SS prop, inside storage-like new. Full canopy. AMFM cass. trailer brakes.

$10,950 823-3852 BLUE FIN, 1987 17' 85 HP Oa Etmrni top, fishfinder Great family boat, must sell. S3300. neg 933-1454. CAJUN 1992 Fish ond Ski. 18 5ft.

150hp Johnson. SS Prop. AMFM Coss. 1224 troll mtr, lots more. $9500 288-4366 CAJUN Fish 6 Ski 1760.

Must sen Johnson 115. many extras, go-roge kept. Coll bfwn 8-5 264-2204 CAJUN BASS BOAT. 1992 model AND 1991 Hartey Davidson 1200 Sportster $6500 edch. 512 321-3333.

CENTURY MERIDIAN 28ft, wslip at Lake Travis. Sleeps 6 galley, head Great boat! Bought new boot. $9995 Firm 490-0055 CHALLENGER 1776 boat, 15ft, 1978 Johnson 70HP motor. Oily traler. $750 259-7849 CHAPARRAL '66.

235 XIC. 330HP. A1 shape. Ortg ownr. Mog Mr.

AB equip goes. Reduced! 259-2661 CHAPARRAL '96Sunesta Model 210. 21ft deckboat. 5 7L mercruiser. IO.

seats 14, 18hr. on eng. $24,000. 255-3857 CHAPPARRAL 198. 228HP V8 Mercruiser.

20ff IO. Alpine stereo, stainless prop, custom rebuilt, service records. Bimini top, PS. excellent condition golvonized Tandem trailer wbrakes ft new tires. $6800 OBO 345-5977.

CHRIS CRAFT 1955. 19ft Capri, excellent corvJrFion. for sale or troae on late model 25ft to 30ft Cruiser. Cal Tommy at 444-3246 or 261 -5824. CLASSIC- 85, 18'.

190 Mercruiser troiler. great shape ft exc cond $2200 of reuphoistry ft new oeck-ing. $4500 2f8-1453Figr 60r1869 Cobalt 200 w220 HP Volvo fuel rifecnon duo prop omv 143 hrs. Customized tonde-M axle mer; warranty remoinrxj $1.800 Pager 888 788-7623. or rjR riM79 064C COBALT.

'91. 22ft. 7 4 Mercruiser. 330 HP. excellent condition, less than 150 hours $17.500 282-6422 Cobra.

16'. 85HP Johnson TT. rtHt pwr head Birrxny, stereo, SS prop, tmder, fron mtr S325Q 282-2730 COBlA. '82 Mercruiser IO 120, trailer, skis, extras. $2800.

458- CORRECT CRAFT. 1977. Mustang 17, 302 New steering, corb Electronic ignition $4200 OBO Mark. 388-2575. illlL OBO.

219-6677, M-f, 8-5. Shelving Showcases, flatwaH Grid. 21(k)5CM226. COMMERCIAL SEWliNG Mach. $700.

Lighted Jewelry Case. $150. Copier, isu; bmoH uesn. Mirror, 5200: Clothing Rocks. 310.

302-0513, USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Ho- bart Convection Oven, meat sheer scale. Taylor-Made Triple-tread voaun mocnme. Kimacie remaer- ated display case, 6-txmer gas srove gas gnaaie, irue giass aou-ble-door fhdge. 26l-72656)-070Q (5) combo Cokesnack machines. (3) currentty set up at local businesses.

FamHv death forces saie. $15,000 Invested. First $5000 tones OH 789-W4 61 50-ComoytefsQiiip Digital CAMERA Factory New seated Carton Kodak DC25 Color LCD Viewflnaer- Auto Rash: Serf Timer: U29 HighStand Rez Mnotos. Wffl. flr36.

91 GIG SCSI HDD Everyttitng Factory New Micropolis 339 1WI iwu WideUltra Differential SCSI-3 wPCI Differential Controller 68 pin cable MBSec Transfer 79 msec Seek Steal for S600. 476-4676 GPS Magellan GPS 2000 Hand Meia kururo wvu aay waranry Factory sealed carton. $1 15. 476-4676 ISM Computers 4rJM6 Mhz. 16mb ram.

170mb HD. S200. 1 7" SVGA Mon S300 833-9696 De XPI 120 Notebook 2 1G HO ana 850M HD. SVGA active matrix color. NW modem PCMCIA cards docking station.

$1495 OBO 836-8136 EVERVTHING GOES! SHIPPING EQUIPMENT Scates. radial arm saw, supplies, computers, test equiprnent, parts, furniture. Mon-Saf 8-5. ACT Computer Technology Bldg. 3317 Manor Rd.

ACT 386, 14 4 modem. Windows 3. 1 includes monitor, keyboard mouse. $200 OBO. 376-9405 CYRIX 233 w14" SVOA.

32mb SDRAM, 2.lgb HD, 24x CO ROM, sound, spkrs, 33.6 lm, 4mb vld mo, kvyboard mouu, Win 9S. $699. S12-M7-5851. COLOP PRINTER tor Canon KJCA4200, rarely usd, $300. New, asking 1 50, 0Q.

45K91 1 P-W. 1 28.8, sound CD, 16meg, $5' 282-0504 IIM COMPATBU 46646 mhz, 20mb wmony extras. $400. IIM comoatabl 466-33 mhz, color monitor 6 printer. $250.

IBM 4029 laser printer. $100. HP scon let scanner. $75. 2164660.

GREAT DEALI AST 486, 16ma Win95 (1 yrs old). 33 6 Modem, Mouse. Kb. Spkrs Incl. S450 firm.

491-9390 Hm. 486 DX 100 Multimedia. CTX SVGA monitor. $395. Complete 486.

$150 wSVGA monrtor 832-5916. PERFECT FOR THE BASICS. 486DX (120HD). wHP Laser Jet II printer. $295.

345-3783 PACKARD BELL Pentium 100. 3 2GIG HD, 32 RAM, 4xCD ROM, $395. ACER 486 SX20. 120HD. 8 RAM, monitor, modem.

$195; 301-7261 P75 Multimedia Internet PC. CDROM. sound, speakers, fax modem SVGA $495. 448-2536 AUTOCAD RELEASE 12 3-D studio 8r Animator Pro $2750. 836-6904 Laser Printers HP Laserjet II $200.

IID S300. Ill S300, IHD $400. Apple LaserWriter NT $250, NTX $300 19" color monitor $500 343-6057. P133. 32MB RAM.

512K cache. 1.3GB. 2MB VGA 8x CD. 16-bit sound spkrs, 1.44FD. Win 95.

KB. mouse 5395 502-1385 PENTIUM II 233 MMX. 64mb RAM. 4 3 24x CD. 56K.

sound. 4mo 3D. '5 15' SVGA odd S99. Super Fasti 899-2103. MAC II SI.

3 MB RAM. 40 MB HD, color mon Stylewnter, $350. 386DX, color mon S250 459-9348 386 COMPUTER with monitor mouse keyboard and more. $150. 444-4360.

6050-Boats Motorized WELLCRAFT 1993 196SS. 19'. IO. 4.3L V6 MerCruiser, stereo. Excellent condition.

$9950. 328-7022. WELLCRAFT 77 19'. cuddy cabin, 200hp Johnson, Sportsman trailer, fair condition, $1,800, 261-6462 WELLCRAFT ANTIGUA '88. 28ft.

Sport Cruiser. Full cabin AC. excellent cond. $20,000 266-9010. 789-3999.

WELLCRAFT EXCEL '95 21 ft, excellent condition $1 1.500. 329-8897. I Buy Boats 266 1 446 CASH FOR YOU BOAT TODAY Cleon late model OK Not running OK. Damaged OK (No antiaues or junk) Call Mike 24hrs. 257-2329 6060-Boats Sailing CanoeKayak lApprox.

60 New ft P. I Used Sailboats start-8ALE Imp at $400. Sailboat I I Shop 454-7171 BEAUTIFUL HOBIE 16 with trailer, classic sail pattern. $1400 Tim. 964-8467 Boston Whaler '82 harpoon 6 2m.

fixed keel. 3 sails. 8hp Yamaha. ooivonized traer. $4200 282-8119 CAPRI BY CATAUNA 22 085), good condition, slip on Loke Travis.

$2500. Eldon 302-1079. 231-2250 Catamaran Prindle 18. must Gfeat cond Brana new trampoline. Alum trlr $2300 OBO.

502-9440 COMPAC 16 4HP Evinrude. great condition, galvanrzed trailer. S2499OBO, 267-2794, 834-7354. COMPAC 16' SLOOP 3 sails, 2hp outboard motor, 'sleeps 2, troiler, excellent $2,850, 474-6922 CRI. Must part with.

21fl 5hp OB. Sleeps 5. fast ond In good condition. $2500. 626-3701.

HOBIE 16 Gaivamzed trailer, double trapeze. S75G7offer. 343-8167 HOBIE CAT. 16ft, wtratler, 2 Ifeiock-efs. harness.

2 wetsurrs. new under-rig. S1200 Nick: 797-5448 mm cat 18ft wtrtr. lsf $1500. 376-3109.

HOBIE CATAMARAN 16ft flog colored sails. 2 trapeze harnesses. Willing to trade for good boat with motor. $900 OBO. (830)598-5266.

HUNTER 1986. 23ft. wtroller and motor, sleeps 4, $4900, Call 823-8581 or 331-4330. KAYAK, new Aauaterra Prism. Sit on top-used twice $550 452-6819 eve-nings.

239-2254 days. KAYAK Perception Dancer, poodle, sprrjy skirt, helmet, ail areat conrJtKJn. S770OBO, 440-4613 MUST SEU Pre-cut kit for an eiegent plywood touring kdyok. New Aauaterra rudder rjnd foot braces $800 OBO. Days 435-3327.

Eves 266-1017 excellent condition, $47,900. 512-267-4919 ieove message PERCEPTION MIRAGE White water Kayak with flotation bag ft paddle. S425. 926JW76 SANTANA 20 sailboat wrrh trailer. Excelent condition with 2yr old outboard motor.

Great salhg. $3150. 5'2-858-5334 or 218-1526 SOUTH COAST. 1977. 22ft, 8HP Honda frailer.

4 sals. $3000. OBO. 254-542-7382 of er 6pm. SPIRIT 23 ElecMc start 9 9 OB Nice ft Clean! $2695 OBO 251-3602 219-0694.

346-1855 SPIRIT 6 5. NO MOTOR. NO TRAILER, $2000. WV: 474-9968 Hm 478-7447 SUNFiSH 93 Great Condition, new toeing sal, won lots of races, frailer, $1,100080. Mark 469-7417 WA1ER OTTER mon Inflatable pontoon.

Great for fishing. $475. Please cad 637-8088 dnd ask for Lenice W'ND SURFER. Mistral Evolution 3 10 10Vft Salboard ft boom excellent condfflon $800 Leonoer. 259-941 7.

Men's 1U gold CONCORD watch. Worn very Irrtto. txponstvo watcft. 4M0. 12S-4330 or 1270142.

2 unique gold necklaces: chains 21k. setnngs 18k. Museum quality pendants; 300 B.C. 'Demetrius' rVkxectonian coin; Tynan 'Judas' Shekel (0 AD -) with sapphire. 836-1944 FOeKUFTS 19 to choose from Buy or Rent $3.250 Cash 8 Credit 331-8600 MHlermatic 250 Amp Mig $1100, Orrl Press.

1 10. 258-6586 i SPRAV FORCE 100 Gal. tar. 10 HP" elecfric start. Koheler engine, stirti1 4500b Itt pallet jack.

mrsc. hand automatic toots. 254 547-2465 10" mitre saw. New carbide blade, $165. 894-6545 BOBCAT 853C Series Skid Steer Loader Excellent condition S850U.

451-1424 1200 GALLON TANK Galvanized 1200 gal diesei or gasoline tank, on stand. $500 cash, 288-9168 Ron SA 200 Lincoln Welder, Mounted. Rebuilt Eng. $2903.. (512)559 2335 CASE MAXI-SNEAKER rock saw; good condition.

$10,000 OBO. Georgetown 512-863-8243 LAGUN Mia Si 14" Southbend' lathe Includes tooling. $13,000. At-' ter 6 30 col 282-2678. AIR COMPRESSOR.

2 HP 20 gallon-tank $125. Craftsman Tatlesaw. 10" waccessories $125. Craftsman Bandsow, 10" dkect drive, S80. Oofrsman sander grinder.

$100 Bench grinder, 8" $75. 892-0821 GENERATOR. 8000 watt Generac Contractor s. 240v. 11O-120V3OA.

110-120V15A outlets. On Hast bar. Less than 50rvs running time. OHV 16HP Van--, guard engine. $1500 Neg.

Can 512... 832895. lv msg. JET Industrial 20" woodmetal vertM cct bond saw blade welder. $1950.

Rockwel 12-14" tablesaw. $1 750 Max oscillating spindle GongVi er, $850. 281-859 2219 Commercial Honda Power Wash- er. 2500 PSI heavy duty. ExceMent' conrjtion $950.

452-1515. 454 5452. INGERSOL RAND 180 aiesel com pressor, runs good $2500 Undsey 80 gas compressor, $1200. Both towoble 371-7292. 850 CASE Crawler Loader with Ripper, runs good $14,500.

830-868-9014. leave message White Backhoe. 4wd 6cyl engine. runs good lots of power. $13,500.

830-868-9014. leave message FcrkEft Acctisn. May 16th. 9am-5pm. 4000lt)S.

Pneumatic Forklift. Village Crossing. 2600 Kwy 281 Marble Falls, TX. -830-79SMJOI0 1500 PSI Power Washer. 3.8 horse power, new in the box.

compare at $289 $180 266-8400. Wagner ST-1000 comm. type aress pant sprayer. $350 55'xl4" bot-toms elec. posts $100 ea.

243-1599- D4 CAT DOZER up and down blade, no tut, $6,000 OBO. 1-800 292-1568 esSO-MiscforSele River City Antique and Collectors Fait: may Z9 24 Airport Conv. Ctr. (tvoodway Loop 410) Sat Jon 10-5 Sot forty II rd Show S.A. 'l Favorite Treasure Hunt For Into (210)ov-Otl1 NEW WOODEN PALLETS Free It you haul away 4 Can Den.

837-6550 MOVINO SALE Top quollny bsd-room. dinina, Hvlng, office fumf hire. TVs, stsreo, VCR, 24y-7l lattsty operated pay telephone Inchiaes sottwore. 2 yean old. Reel-to-Reel Tope recorder, $100, Vacuum cleaner, $25.

(2) BRAND NEW, Oas, ftettur. -Washers: 1200osl. asking ill 50 neg 2400psl, asking $2SO neg. tijw, pwqso rv msge. MUTOH IP-530 penpencil or best offer Monco f3HP go' cart $500 OBO Huffy laspd moorv.

tain bike $75 OBO. 301-7119. -j KENMORE FRIDGE. 19.2cuft. works-great.

$100. Steel steps for fnrjrjser' home. 5 steps. 43" high. $90; t- ge dr.

$90; 1 slicing potto dcorr. 441 8''0. 6am-12nooa M-F, FIND Goto Silver Ful Discriminate -Metal Detector, target read-out. Shows coinsdepth. $225.

452 3861, "Corvlval" Cruise Package wtrrr $2000 Airline discount coupons halt price gelt, hotei 453-8418 CHINESE WOOL Flat woven rug. pinks, pale green. $275. viewing Fri 8-1Z 2004 Bridle Path. 478-1863 KENMORE WASHER $75; Full Size, Futon $75; Briggs Mower $50; (2) Window AC'S SlOOeach.

2669959 WHITE IRON DAYBED with brass, posts; trundle unit mattresses included. Sotd heavy. $300 LC III Computer with color morrtar. 8i printer. $300 Evenings 451-8901.

Dark Green sofa. Louis Shanks. $250; student desk. $20. Canondole bike cart.

S100; men bike $25 263-9261, 6x8 POOL TABLE, $400 OBO. Call 326-1937" MUST SACRIFICE Moving overseas! Playscope, 2 swings, slide, sandbox. beautifully custom built, sninaled-roof, 5495. 476-2239 8 select can drink machine. Looksworks great.

Wilt $600 656-5436 2-3 Tier 25c Peanut or candv dispensers Senous minded onry!" Can 385-6730 1932 FORD AOutt Shriner Parade 16 scale GO CART. Ilhp electric start, forward, reverse, horn lights. $1000 OBO, Call 451-9387. NORDIC TRACK SKI EXERCISER, $250. MICROWAVE LARGE SIZE, $50.

250-9291. Like new 9ft custom glass slider, 12 pane glass door, wood door, gas' cook top vent, stereo, cabinet, speakers, cabinets, doors, pulls, paint, tans, light fixtures, vatances, shades, chair, S10-S550, 345-3175. COOKWARE Waterless, Stainless Steel 17 Pieces. Unused. Boxedr $299.

COST $1,200. 474-4121, RADIO ANTENNA 8 element beam Maco Shooting Star with dual speed rotator. Doth new In boi S300 obo 44 Mew SPRtNO CLEANING Antique wringer washer $150. (8) each 19' 7" trusses $12ea. lg Dog House $25.

Lots of curtain rods 4 mini bDnds dp 8604)490" RAINBOW VACUUM cleaner $500. COLEMAN 3 room tent $150 1 Both procttcotty newobo. 331-9509 Overheod Projector, 3M $35. BeH Howell $55. Excellent Condition.

280-6001 Antique Oak fBe cattnet. $600 5 piece king size bed set, $450. Word processor, $100. Antique Kodak camera $50, 445-6542 Frost Free Refrigerator $75, Entertainment center $50. Foos-.

baB table $75, 386Coior Monitor $100, 476-4365 445-3841 Shoe! motorcylce fuB face white Helmet XXL. $75. Cash onfy. wo-iv3i teave messages FLAG POLE. 30tt, two 3x5 flogi11 heavy duty 3 Inch pipe $650 (trt-Quaes installatlon).

830-980-8393. GE Washing Mochine, works. $65. Lawnmower. works.

$45. Bee trie Dryer. $65. 708 9743 USED REFRIGERATOR. $100.

coffee table end table, shape, $80. Call 255-2972 MOVING BOXES 8t SUPPUES. Boxes. bubble wrap, blank newsonnt peanuts. Enough to move, 3500sqft house.

5145. 372-8235. LAWN FURNITURE: 4 choks. 1 chase, lounge with cushions, table breila, $200 Kenmore water er. $50 Pipe BBQ grill.

$50, 312-1302 after 6pm. MOVING BOXES, Over 70. mciucSng. mirror, dish, wardrobe, pocking paper and more. $150.

328-4889 Fans. Light fixtures, bike carrier, wo ter pumps, bottle water te-r bte ft chon Tools ft etc. 444-5136 Wanted to buy the following itemsr -Go-Cart, Table Saw. also oKwoom on wheels. Wilt pay cash to WANT TO BUY Mounted Martin or Sail Fish.

784-3197 miMico pet itcvicu No req a credit check. Free Case Clg Aaopter. $55mo taw juuwKay juLWkna rmns. nur-ww. WANTED USED DIGITAL PHONES 1 NEWER MODEL ANALOG Cal Sreg at 260-1661.

WM4re t.wtl.Ml Wl.ittJ SlW 6050-Boat Motorized 6050-Bo8tg Motoriied CORRECT CRAFT '70 Mustang. 16' MARLIN '84 21ft, 45MPH. Speed classic inboard, 302 Ford S3.8O0. Ski. Chevy 350 IO.

Must go Now! 266-2653. 496-4903 $2000 246-0844 DYNASTY SKI BOAT 17' MASTERCRAFT PRO STAR 190, U5hp inoutboard, amfm cass. 1995. CORV-L-T1 -power stop, stereo, mint condition, low whitepurple hull wgreen accents. $7,000, 512-516-1790.

Col' David, 837 0027 EBBTIDE Bass Boat, 16ft. TVli: 60 horse. $900. 218-9374 Sjjf lncluded f52E PONTOON 21ft. 1993 40HP.

Fish. Evlnruae troika i motor Met pleasure, sink, port-a-potty. Excel- $950 OBO. 837-3346. lent $5800 266-1629 15J9JS2' PROANGlER 16' bass boat.

50HP. SJS1! 3D mtr. 3 live wells, elec oner. 1 sfereo. traler.

exc. cond. Many with 94 Waverfjaer. paid-up slip at xtras Must see1 512 834-8773 VlP Manna Total pkg $39,000. 512- si2M4 782-3531 or 512-782-7476.

RANGER 364V 1991 w150 XP Evin- rude. 2 fish finders. 1 paper graph. 1 Formula 21 360 Hp Merc, Dk Blue depfhfidsner, 1 marine radaoab. ,00, con fona motor, great drive, prop.

S4.0O0 OBO 323-6117. shape. $9500 512-295-2095 FOUR WINNS 1986 170 Horizon. RAVEN '88. 20K cuddy, new

iKS'S-rTOowlk' S720O -Shannon 292- er. Excellent cond. S6800. 249-5585 1913. http: FOUR WINNS '96.

U-17 spd boat tgrovottboot 6 0 SRT exccfns59i.5,f REDFISH. Mid-slxtys, 75 HP Johnson, warr. S15.5O0. Aaron, 512-396-616. 17'.

bottom, runs good. $750 Four Winns-19' Boat. 84. Rebuilt OBO No Saturdoy Calls! 281-3701. REGAL '88.

27'. with cabin. Great great. S40OO. 219-5464918-1441 condition, 7 5L V8 Mercruiser.

IO. GALAXY 2O00--92 350. 260Hp. low depth finder. $15.000 Neg.

249-5982 hours. Ready for the wafer' Tandem rinker 19ft Deck Boat 3L OMC trailer. S7800, Coll Joe. 331-9801 outarive. no trailer, needs work.

GLASPAR '74 SKi BOAT, 17', 115hp S400 267-441 1 Johnson, wfraSer. Needs some SEA DOO, '95, trailer and cover, work S'500 NEG. 249-5982 perfect condition, very low hours, GLASTRON 16ft CLASSIC. 50hp 950, 764.7040. Johnson, trailer, spare tire, new SEA RAY, '94 200BR.

a200HP Mer- floor. corpeting. seats Mota needs cruiser IO. tow nrs. exc.

cond. work $1000 327-1436. Many extras Including dudl battery GLASTRON 17'. '92. 43 V6, bow- rider, fdrmiy boat, excellent cones- OBO.

Coll 474-4254 tlon. garage kept, depth finder. SEARAY 22Ft. 1995 Gredt cond. dual batteries, sun top.

boat cover, $19,500 Optional hoist $3,000 trailer. Red ft white. $6800 OBO. Call John 512-236-3105, 258-7941 Hm. 835-9353 Wk.

Tom SEARAY, '95. 185 BR. 4.3 Merc io. GLASTRON 1972. 21ft, inboardout- garaged, 35 hours, accessories, bodrd Chevy V8, 220HP, with Shore- $8900.3107182 line trailer.

S1900 OBO 469-0525 SEARAY 95 22'. open bow. 454. 4f ft cVPTI A Vf fis dual batteries, bimini top. bow cov- ul.A I Kllnl lyl magnum tandem wheel trailer, VeWWilWil lytiW 260 hrs S20.000, 335-3360 18', Deep V.

198 HP Chev V8. ski nautioaJE '83, cream wolue fercruiser, trailer exc cond. See stripe, new irterior, 351 FORD. 233 before you buy' $3.495 636-3933 HP. 1050 hours.

S7000 386-5900 GLASTRON. 1983. 140HP Johnson SKI NAUT1QUI, '97 OB. Open Bow. Good Ski Boat.

OT-40 loaded, 96 hours, special Galvanized Trailer $1600060. graphics, tandem troiler 6 more, Col 480-9395. or 260-7229 Tmmoculote, $26,900. 246-7570. Gtostron, '66 Bow rider, 19fl, Merc SKI SUPERA SPORT, 1984 19 6 re- 230 HP, 160 hrs.

exceptionally powered '94, fresh 454, custom maintained, $9500, 267-3064. point with graphics, trailer pointed GLASTRON Cutty Cabin 74 1 upWstery. bimini mout. wtondem trailer. P- X3 odometers, tack.

brass prop rutter, ski pilon. walk-thru xu-w winasReld. too much to list. Every- GLASTRON. ski-boot '76, 15ft.

one thinks this boat Is newl S8CO0 open bow. tri-hull, 85Hp Johnson Firm. Compare at $29,000 new. 254- power trim, shoreline trailer, good 939-8005 or 254-760-9152, Belton condition, S2000. 413-6852 SKI SUPREME '91 GRUMMAN 12ft Flat.

Galvanized 200 hrs. 260 HP, walk-thru. $10,500. trailer. 5 HP Nlssdn.

Trolling motor. 246-0021 Misc. Ready to go. SPRINT Fish ft Ski. 1995.

loft 7m HAMMOND. Lake ready, 260 Mer- 1 12 Johnson low hours. Immocu- cruiser. 20ft. lots ot room.

$4200. irJe shape Col 512-764-0023 267 ,000 STARCRAFT 16', Aluminum, open HAMOND 19' 250 Mercury inOut- bow, top. 70-HP Chrysler, stored for board Excelent conarhon Conopy 12 years, looks ft runs lire new, cover $3000 Must sel. Khgslond $3800 453-3468 or 453-4123. TX.

Jim, 915-388-0138 Storeratt 19" Deck Boat, 170Hp Hioascraft. Evinrude 140 Oa 1977 IO Mercury model 470, Internal moaeL 427 hrs total engine ft hul. cooling system, seats 13, trailer, 18 x8'. wide body cruiser tn-hul VtRY Wlctl $4400 OBO. 251-7730 a001" le STINGRAY 1 7 4ft, 1 40HP Mercruiser 1 new' Make offer.

280-0718 0 excellent condition, goes HOrSE CAT 26ft with trailer, good 50MHP, $4950 327-5750 S00' w- STINGRAY '85. 16'. open bow. IO. M6'7444 120HP.

wtop. trailer ft ski epuip. HYDRA'94 Sports 11750 CC. Center Very good cond. $3250 984-2699 Console lp Evjnrude like new.

TRISONIC 1972 140 HP Mercruiser 1 approx 40hrs. $1 1.950 512-793-6506 0, )6W open pow runs good, cus- HYDROSPORT 2000 DC 20' '91 torn trailer surge brakes. $2000. model. 200hp Johnson, too much 266-2092 TRISONIC '73 2lft low firs.

S15.950. 512-446-3700 Runsoood. Mercruiser 250 Strdiaht 6 HYDROSTREAM, 1968. 20Ohp Mercu- IO New carpet. $1600 255-6426 ry ouKwara.

trailer wel makv TRi-SONIC Walk-Thru 19 1973, V-8 tamed $6500 CJl 512-39rKT266. Mercruiser. 1 -owner, excellent JET BOAT, 1989, 425HP 454 Basset cond wffroiier. S3000 298-4589 headers. Dommotor pump.

Droop TRISONIC XLT. 1977. 19ft, 460 1 d. Droop scoop. Ycungoiood hul Berkeley letdrtve, new paint, fe-eo.

Tanoem trailer. S9800 756-7078 kxus like new $3900 848-1111 Jon Boat, 14tt. 3 seater, txond V-bottom, 12ft 8HP Evinrude rebuilt. New condition, strengntened trorv trolling motor, trrjiler, excelent con- srf, no oen $375 254-527-3106. dition $1375 301-8641.

KENMORE Washing Mochine, Mod- VIP '94 164' Runabout Ski Boat, el 110. 9yrs old. $100. 218-5929. H5hp Vdmoha.

other extras Exc Cond' $6695. Buda 512-295-5075. UPSON '94. 194SH, Volvo S.Ol, WELLCRAFT. 17ft.

center console. 190hplO, SS prop, sport Interior, 90HP Johnson, runs great, $3995. Magnum Mr. $10,700. 266429.

272-5952. LOWE '89 14ft aluminum V-huil WELLCRAFT 1984 20ft. 200 Elite 25 horse Evinrude motor (motor Chevy 350. power steering, tandem needs minor repair). $1200 See at trailer, surge brakes, beautiful boat, Garoge Sale Saturdoy 3805 North- lake ready.

$6500 OBO. 441-8031. field Rd 789-3321.

Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.